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General FAQs

What is PedsMrkt?

PedsMrkt is an online community that connects people in the pediatric healthcare space. For more information visit our About Us Section

Who can join PedsMrkt?

PedsMrkt is a B2B community for people who are in the pediatric healthcare space. This includes employees of pediatric institutions, companies that support the pediatric healthcare space, and investors interested in the latest innovations. Our goal is to connect professionals to accelerate pediatric innovation.

Community FAQs

Who can join the community?

Pediatric professionals and providers with an NPI number (individual or organization) as well as PedsMrkt MrktPlace Members and Sellers can join the community.

What is an NPI number?

An NPI is a unique identification number for health care providers. For more information visit the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

How do I enter the community?

1- Create a PedsMrkt account / Login to your PedsMrkt account

2-On the Community tab, click the Community button.

Troubleshooting- Community Access

1- Make sure you are logged in and have entered a valid NPI number.

2-Disable your pop-up blocker

Chrome- Always allow pop-ups from

Order FAQs

How do I order a product? is a B2B site. Purchasers need to have an NPI (National Provider Identifier) number to place an order.

What type of payments do you accept?

Right now, we are able to accept credit card payments.

Do you accept P.O.s?

Right now we only are able to accept credit cards. In the future we hope to be able to accept P.O.s.

What is your return policy?

Please contact the seller directly for their return policy and to
handle returns.  Customer will be responsible for return shipping fees.

When will my order ship?

Digital delivery/downloads will typically be delivered within 2 business days.

Physical products typically take 5-8 business days. Please contact the seller directly with any questions about your order.

You will receive an order confirmation email from PedsMrkt followed by a shipping email when your order ships.

Where can I see tracking information for my order?

When your order ships, you will receive an email with tracking information.

Seller FAQs

How can I become a seller?

Visit our seller site at to learn more.

How do I become a marketing partner?

Contact Us

Please reach out to our team with any additional support needs or questions you have, and we will follow up within 2 business days.