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Favorite innovation project and what role did you play in it: As a practicing pediatric urologist, I see the emotional trauma, the financial impact, and frustrations that bedwetting causes. There is very little we can offer to help these kids. Global...
What problem does your innovation address? Hope for Henry addresses the distress faced by hospitalized children during medical interventions. My family spent hundreds of days in hospitals across the country trying to save my son, Henry. During this time, high-quality...
"We believe the future of pediatric care lies in creativity and collaboration, and this partnership empowers us to continue building brighter futures for the kids we serve.”
- Tiffani Ghere, Manager of the Sharon Disney Lund Medical Intelligence, Information, Investigation, and Innovation Institute (MI4) at CHOC.
New Pediatric Marketplace and Community Launched to Accelerate Pediatric Innovation
PedsMrkt, a subsidiary of Children’s Mercy Kansas City, announces the national launch of its online B2B marketplace and community. PedsMrkt accelerates pediatric healthcare innovation by connecting the pediatric ecosystem on one platform.