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The High Acuity Readmission Risk Pediatric Screening (HARRPS) Tool© is a collection of questions that calculates an overall readmission risk score for a pediatric patient. The score is then associated with a risk category of low, moderate, or high risk. The evidence-based tool developed by Children’s Mercy Kansas City has undergone research providing credibility to the tool’s predictive power in identifying readmission risk for the pediatric population.
Why focus on Readmissions? -Patient and family satisfaction related to keeping kids at home instead of in the hospital. -Preventable pediatric readmissions had a nationwide annual cost of $1.5 billion in 2015. -Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Pediatric Quality Measures Program consider readmissions as a quality indicator for hospitals. -Solutions for Patient Safety tracks readmissions as a pediatric Hospital Acquired Condition (HAC). -American Case Management Association’s standard of practice for case/care managers is to screen patients for risk.
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