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Innovation & description of innovation:
Boppli® is an accurate, non-invasive, low risk, and easy-to-use solution for continuous, non-invasive blood pressure (cNIBP) monitoring of babies in NICU, PICU, and CVICU critical care settings. It reports systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure (BP) values comparable to invasive arterial lines (IALs).
What problem does your innovation address?
Hope for Henry addresses the distress faced by hospitalized children during medical interventions. My family spent hundreds of days in hospitals across the country trying to save my son, Henry. During this time, high-quality medical care treated Henry the Patient, but I saw that the needs of Henry the Kid went unmet.
Roles: Medical Director, Global Center for Medical Innovation (GCMI) Pediatric Urologist, Georgia Urology Areas of Innovation: All medical devices and digital health with a particular interest in surgical subspecialties. Description: I operate at the crossroads of medical technology...
Innovator: Melissa Elliott, Ph.D.(c), MSN, FNP-BC Organizations: Children's Mercy Kansas City Roles: APRN Coordinator, Ward Family Heart Center Area(s) of Innovation: Cardiology, Fetal Health Description: MyHeartArt is a web-based tool available by annual subscription. It creates an anatomically correct, artist-quality rendering of a patient’s heart....